Welcome to the Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America! As you browse the site, you will learn about the heritage of French-speaking North America, as well as about its history and diversity. Get to know the people who preserve and cherish it, discover the places where it finds expression and become familiar with the trends that have shaped and influenced its evolution throughout history.

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Souvenir from the 75th anniversary (1834-1909), BAnQ

By Traisnel, Christophe

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society Network: from French-Canadian Unity to Quebec Nationalism

The Réseaux des Sociétés Saint-Jean-Baptiste [Network] has always been at the front lines of the various movements for claiming and affirming French Canadian identity and language rights (and more recently those of French-speaking Quebeckers) . Founded in 1854, this network, which is an offshoot of the Montreal Saint-Jean-Baptiste Association, has helped to forge the legends and symbolism associated with the shared history of French-speaking North Americans, a group that includes not only communities of Canadian origin, but also groups composed of U.S. Acadian emigrants. The Network has held a...

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The English version of the Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America is online since December 15th, 2009. It features an ever growing number of articles, documents and resources on the heritage of French-speaking North America.

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Encylcopedia of French Cultural
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Government of Canada